Olive BuzzTwo Cough Olive Oil: A Sonoma, California TastingWhen people think of a trip to Sonoma, California - the often over-looked cousin of Napa Valley - they usually think wine. However, this excursion wasn't your run of the mill wine trip, it was different. Today, we were going olive oil tasting. Our first stop was DaVero, primarily selected for its olive oil tasting, with some Italian wines as an added bonus (because you cannot go to Sonoma without having wine). Located in the Dry Creek region of Sonoma Valley, situated off a slight bend in the "highway", had we not known to look for it we would have driven right past it - in fact we did. The short dirt driveway led us around back to the quaint and rustic Mediterranean-esque tasting space. Unsurprisingly, a large olive oil tree was the center piece of the courtyard. After a white wine prep in the small indoor tasting area, our group took reign over the outdoor picnic table, despite the day’s 100+ degree heat advisory. What transpired was our first olive oil sensory class (backed by more DaVer
o wine of course).
Next up: the Meyer lemon oil in the same fashion. This oil is not infused, instead the lemon rinds are crushed along with the olives for a fresher and purer taste. The oil is especially delightful on a summer day - like our tasting day. Next up is the "Utility" oil, however there is nothing utility about this oil, in my mind. This oil is not extra virgin; it is just a pure olive oil that is meant for cooking. It was flavorful and also contained the same peppery aftertaste as the EVOO and I would happily dip bread in it all day long. We all left as happy campers, each one of us with a few bottles of olive oil and wine in tow. We hit three more wineries on our trip, but the conversation throughout the day kept going back to the oil. My palate was one step closer to rebuking the jug of COSTCO "EVOO" that waited for me back at home. Post your commentGot a great story about olives, olive oil, and tasting? We would love to hear from you! Submit your stories and we can start a dialogue. |